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发布时间:2020-01-14 23:05:27 阅读: 来源:足浴盆厂家

元器件交易网讯 3月12日消息,来自Mixpanel的数据显示,iPhone 5S与iPhone 5C市占率不断上涨,iPhone 5S更占苹果活跃用户19.35%。

考虑到iPhone 5S是去年发布的机型,过去的几个月的销量增长显得难能可贵。Mixpanel的数据显示iPhone 5S三月第一周占苹果活跃用户19.35%,即每五个iPhone使用者中就有一个人使用iPhone 5S。相比之下iPhone 5C仅占苹果活跃用户的6.32%。自今年一月起iPhone 5S市占率增长5%左右,而iPhone 5C仅增长1.31%。

旧版iPhone 4S及iPhone 5比率仍高于两款新iPhone。iPhone 5占苹果市场32.59%,iPhone 4S尾随其后占23.96%。两者市场份额自新款iPhone 推出已经开始下降。

消费者较iPhone 5C更倾向于iPhone 5S,调查显示33%打算下个月购买智能机的美国消费者会选择iPhone 5S,而选择iPhone 5C的用户大约只有十二分之一。(元器件交易网毛毛 编译)


It"s safe to say that the iPhone 5S is ahit, Apple saw record sales right after the smartphone was launched alongsidethe plastic shell touting iPhone 5C. While the former is having a pretty goodrun, things don"t appear to be going smoothly for the latter, but that has cometo be expected now.

The iPhone 5S" growth has surged over thepast few months, which is commendable, considering that it was only releasedlate last year. Data from Mixpanel reveals that the iPhone 5S accounted for19.35 percent of all active iPhones during the week of March 3, this translatesin to the fact that one in every five iPhone out there is an iPhone 5S. Comparethat with the iPhone 5C and its a totally different story, the smartphoneaccounted for just 6.32 percent of all active Apple smartphone in the nce January the iPhone 5S has logged a five percentage point gain in itsmarket share whereas the iPhone 5C has only been able to muster up 1.31percentage point gain.

The legacy iPhone 4S and discontinuediPhone 5 still outrank both new iPhones, though that"s not surprising, bothhave been around for a very long time and both did very well in the hone 5 leads the entire iPhone market share with 32.59 percent of all activedevices, with the iPhone 4S trailing in second place having 23.96 ough both models have seen a decline in market share ever since the two newiPhones came out, this was bound to happen as existing customers traded in fornewer models. Its only a matter of time before the iPhone 5S crosses the 20percent threshold and comes close to overtaking these models.

Consumers are seen to be leaning towardsthe iPhone 5S more as compared to the iPhone 5C. A recent survey conducted byPiper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster revealed that 33 percent of all nsumers planning to buy a smartphone next month intend to pick up an iPhone5S. Reports about iPhone 5C"s disappointing performance are a dime a dozen,leading many to believe that Apple might axe the smartphone and not release asuccessor later this year.


